SmoothParking can help you see where you can legally park and can help you figure out places where you're likely to find an open spot. For example, if you see a yellow line it means that parking is not yet allowed in that part of the street but will be allowed at the next half-hour. Therefore, there is a good chance you will find open spot on that part of the street.
Which cities are mapped out?
Currently we have parts of NYC (All of Manhattan and major areas in Brooklyn and Queens), all of Hoboken, the central areas of Milwaulkee, and parts of Washington D.C. (Foggy Bottom and the West End) mapped out with other boroughs and cities on the way.
I have a parking question that I can't answer with the parking map. Can you help?
Just send your question to
and we will try to research your parking question for you and email you back.
If I see a green line does that mean there is an open spot there?
Unfortunately, at this point we can not tell you if a spot is available only that it is legal
to park where it is green.
What if the information given on SmoothParking and the sign on the street are in conflict?
Always follow the signs you see on the street. We do our best to keep our information as accurate as possible
but street signs albeit infrequently change so it is possible that you will find a discrepancy between a street
sign and our data. In testing we have found the information to be over 97% accurate.
How do I know which streets are about to become legal to park on?
Yellow lines indicate that a spot will become availabe at the next half-hour mark. For example, if you requested 7pm and a spot will become availabe at 7:30pm it will appear yellow assuming that it will be legal for the rest of the requested duration.
Does SmoothParking know when alternate side street parking (NYC) is suspended?
Yes we do. The parking status (line color and times) are updated based on the parking holiday calendar.
The header of the parking map will mention if a parking holiday occurs during the requested parking time period.
Is there a good way to view this information on a mobile device?
Yes. We now have mobile apps for iOS and Android devices! Additionally, mobile device you can just enter in a browser and you will be automatically redirected to a mobile optimized verion of the website.
Is there a way to embed the smoothparking map on another webpage?
Yes. To do so just go to the main parking map. Then, center the map on your location.
(you can search for the location by entering the place name in the 'Type Address box') If
it doesn't get to the desired locaction thats ok just manually center the map at your desired
location.) Then type the name of the place as you would like it to appear in the 'Type Address'
box. Then hit the link/embed map in the top right hand corner of map. This will generate a link
url and code to embed SmoothParking into your webpage. Finally, just copy the code
into your webpage and you're done. Check out a sample embedding
Trying to park on city streets can be a major challenge for anyone. It leads to pollution, time lost and often times a deep sense of
frustration. Having been through that experience many times ourselves, we were looking for a way to make the process run a little more
smoothly. Yep, you guessed it, that's how SmoothParking came about. At this point, SmoothParking can show you were you can park legally and at
what times. We're hoping this will make everybody's day a little easier by allowing people to see what areas have more or less parking available
at any given time. In time this will hopefully save you lots of time and money that would have been spent searching for a parking spot, and of course
it can help you avoid costly parking tickets. Parking illegaly can make some people really angry -- see below.
How it Works
SmoothParking lets you know where you can legally park. You can enter any date or time and we will give
you information about the legal status of the streets on which you wish to park. Additionally, we can tell you which streets have
metered parking. Just tell us when and where you want to park and let us do the rest.
To begin just enter the date and desired address or area of parking. We will then show you a colored parking map with information
on the legal parking status of the blocks near your desired location. Green means parking is allowed for the entire duration
requested, while red means that parking is not allowed for the entire duration. Yellow means parking will be allowed starting at
the next half-hour for the duration requested. For example, if you ask to park from 3pm to 5pm but parking is only available
from 3:30pm then that segment will appear yellow. Finally, blue means that the segment is metered. At this point in time
we can ONLY give you information about the legal status of a street NOT about currently available spots.
Presents a comprehensive view of on-street parking spots
Sports a highly intuitive interface with four basic colors
Provides a local and global view of parking availability
Displays parking status anywhere, anyday and anytime
Accommodates short term (hourly) and long term (days) parking
Shows free and metered parking spots
Alerts to "soon to be available" spots
Incorporates parking holidays and regulation suspensions